The "Targu Mures – Marosvasarhely" Internațional Piano Competition has the purpose to select young pianists under 33 that train themselves for a concert pianist career. They have the opportunity of performing in front of the Targu Mures public a Piano Concerto in the Final Round of the Competition accompanied by the Targu Mures State Philharmonic Orchestra, one of the best in Romania.

There is only one age category, up to 33 y.o.

Competition programming

Stage I: Monday, November 20 from 10 am.

Stage II: Tuesday, November 21 from 10 am.

Rehearsals with the orchestra (for the 3 finalists): Wednesday 22 November from 10 am, Thursday 23 November from 10 am.

Final of the Competition: Thursday, November 23 from 7 pm - Concert with the orchestra in the Great Hall, during which the 3 prizes are decided.

As soon as the applications are closed, the candidates will be notified about the exact schedule of the first stage.

- Candidates will be able to practice - starting Sunday, November 19 - at the National High School of Arts and at the Palace of Culture. -


Round I (preliminary):

implies performing the following repertoire:

- A Prelude and Fugue by J. S. Bach ;

- Two virtuosity studies – one by Frederic Chopin and another by Fr. Liszt, S. Rachmaninov, A. Skriabin or C. Debussy

The maximal timing of the round is of 15 minutes.

Round II (semifinals):

The second round programme is a recital of 30 min least and 45 min most, which will consist of:

- A classical sonata/Variations cycle by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven ;

- A piece/cycle of pieces by romantic, modern or contemporary composers;

Note: If the candidate's two pieces for this round do not amount to 30 minutes, the candidate can complete with one or more pieces by free choice, but not exceed 45 minutes total duration.

Round III (final) :

This round will consist of performing a Piano Concerto with the Targu Mures State Philharmonic Orchestra. In the final Round three competitors will be admitted, the Jury being able to promote a fourth competitor amongst the younger ones.

The following Piano Concertos can be performed :

J. Haydn : Concerto nr. 4 in G Major, nr. 11 in D Major

W. A. Mozart : nr. 2 KV 39, 9 KV 271, 11 KV 413, 13 KV 415, 15 KV 450, 19 KV 459, 20 KV 466, 21 KV 467, 23 KV 488, 25 KV 503, 27 KV 595

L.van Beethoven : nr. 1-5

Felix Mendellsohn : nos. 1, 2

Robert Schumann : A Minor Concerto

Frederic Chopin : nos. 1, 2

Franz Liszt : nos. 1, 2

Edvard Grieg : A Minor Concerto

P.I. Tchaikovsky : nr. 1

Camille Saint-Saëns : nos. 2, 5

Maurice Ravel : G Major

Sergei Rachmaninov : nos. 1, 2, 4, Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini

The Final Round and Gala Concert Conductor will be Maestro Radu Postăvaru, main Conductor of the Ploiești State Philharmonic Orchestra, Romania.


First Prize – 3000 €

Second Prize – 2000 €

Third Prize – 1000 €

Special Prizes:

The Constantin Silvestri Award - offered by BIOEEL

The László Árpád Award - for the best competitor from Târgu Mureș

Award from the Hungarian Cultural Institute from Bucharest

Participation Diploma



Participation fee

The Participation fee is of 50 euros/250 RON, payable with the competitor’s complete nameand mentioning « Targu Mures - Marosvasarhely 2023 ». If the fee is not paid, the application isn’t valid. When applying the competitors will upload a valid ID, this being used only for awarding prizes, with the protection of the personal data of the Competitors.

Any problem linked to the payment is on behalf of the applicant. In case of passing the application deadline the acceptance of the Competitor is at the latitude of the jury president.

The Competition Fee is to be paid in the accounts ::

Account Holder: Asociatia Ansamblul Baroc Transylvania

IBAN RON RO40BTRL01301205920774XX



The competition fee is non-refundable, except when the Competition doesn’t take place, in which case the refunding will take place in a delay of maximum 30 days from the cancellation announcement. If the fee isn’t paid, the application will not be valid.


The competitors evaluation will be made by the Jury, and the final mark results from the individual marks of the Jury members. The Jury’s decisions can not be contested, but the competitors are welcome to ask a personal opinion from members of the Jury.

General statements

The Competitors and their tutors give up totally and without exceptions any claims regarding audio-video recordings made throughout the entire Competition (including rehearsals, auditions and any other activities connected to the Competition), and pass the Organizer unrestricted rights of using these materials, following the laws and regulations valid in Romania and the European Community concerning the protection of personal data.

Each competitor will fill in and sign (through parents/legal representatives, if needed) a form that will allow the competition Secretary to use any personal data, photos and other audio-video materials. Nonfilling this form invalidates the application form without refunding the participation fee.

By the application fact the Competitor accepts all the rules of the competition, without any exceptions.

The Jury consists of prominent international Artists and Professors whose integrity is guaranteed by their artistical and professional status.

Following the case, the Romanian version (for domestic competitors) and the English one (for foreign competitors) of these Rules will be the background for amiable approach to any differends. The Jury and the Organisers will do their best to create a positive and artistical atmosphere throughout the entire Competition.


The candidates registration will be realized via the following link:

Deadline: 11th of november 2023


”Târgu Mureș - Marosvásárhely” Piano Competition

a concert hall with a large auditorium and a stage with a concert performance
a concert hall with a large auditorium and a stage with a concert performance

- December 16-19, 2024 -


SC Flavis Press SRL

Târgu Mureș State Philharmonic

Yamaha Music Europe

Târgu Mureș Art High School

BIOEEL Târgu Mureș

Dora Medicals



The Great Hall of the Palace of Culture, Târgu Mureș

  • Winners of the 2022 edition

    First prize: Voropciuc Maria Izabela, shared with Fediurko Roman

    Second prize: Do Vale Ventura De Sousa Nuno Miguel

  • In the 2022-2023 season, Roman Fediurko and Izabela Voropciuc were soloists in two concerts with the Târgu-Mureș State Philharmonic. Roman performed the A minor Concerto by Robert Schumann, and Izabela the 1st Concerto by Frédéric Chopin.

Pian de concert BosendorferPian de concert Bosendorfer

Bösendorfer 280VC


- the piano used for the 2022 edition of the Competition, offered by Yamaha Music Europe ( -